27 стран ЕС запретят продажу автомобилей на топливе к 2035 году — литиевые батареи

27 стран ЕС запретят продажу автомобилей на топливе к 2035 году — литиевые батареи

On February 14th the European Parliament passed a historic decision to completely stop selling petrol vehicles by 2035.

To be specific, the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted 340 in favor, 279 against and 21 abstentions to adopt the "2035 Agreement on Zero Emissions for New fuel cars and pickup trucks in Europe" reached by the European Commission and the European Council.Lithium Batteries

The agreement will now go to the European Council for adoption and final implementation.

The goal is to stop the sale of new gas-fired cars and pickup trucks across the 27-nation European Union from 2035. The ban will ensure that the EU will achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in line with the 15-year deadline for the average family light vehicle.

Volkswagen has been supportive of the ban. It is understood that Volkswagen publicly issued a statement in support of the European fuel car ban when it was proposed, calling the plan "ambitious but achievable" and arguing that the regulation was "the only reasonable way to replace the internal combustion engine as soon as possible ecologically, technologically and economically".

According to the estimates of Volkswagen Group, by 2030, more than 70% of Volkswagen's sales will be pure electric vehicles. Given the current popularity of electrification of Volkswagen's vehicles, banning the sale of oil cars in 2035 is not a big problem.

In addition to Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Stellantis, Renault, Daimler and other European automobile enterprises have accelerated the electric transformation, and their battery purchasing demand is expected to continue to increase.

Against this background, power battery enterprises that have advanced their layout in the European market as well as upstream lithium material and lithium equipment enterprises will get the first opportunity:

In terms of battery enterprises, Chinese battery enterprises, including Ningde Times, Vision Power, Feneng Technology, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Guoxuangao, Honeycomb Energy, etc., have invested and built factories in Europe in full swing.

Lithium material enterprises, at present, China's lithium material enterprises such as Dang Sheng technology, Jiangsu Guotai, star source material, Tianci material, New Zhou Bond, Shi Da Sheng Hua, Zhongwei Shares have announced that they will build factories in Europe, in order to provide nearby supporting services for downstream customers and strengthen their own global layout;

In terms of lithium equipment enterprises, Lead Intelligence has successfully acquired Ontec, a German automation equipment manufacturer, to establish an overseas technical capability center; The company holds Nowa Tepro sp.z o.o. in Poland to further strengthen its intelligent equipment business in Europe. Win He Technology and Manz, Germany, jointly explore the global new energy market...

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